Solidarität mit den Menschen in Kurdistan!

It was a great evening with A Student Liberation Kamp, fikuS-Münster Leo:16 Kultur- und Kneipenkollektiv and beautiful humans from Münster — coming together for a humanitarian response for earthquake affected victims in Turkey and Syria.

The evening has sparked by dynamic music from hearty reflection by Banda Bantu, Emre, Marian, Polymath Daranti Group, Onkel Salim, short presentation of Bangla rock and improvised jamming by Juan Francisc Gutierra & friends.
Altogether you all donated 1225 Euro, which will be distributed to the affected communities by Odak Kulturzentrum e.V.
As the impact of the earthquake is huge in both region, we hope you will keep support and spread it to others to support.
Hearty gratitude everyone for coming together!